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Magnificent jewellery to wear on her round belly, the Bola Ilado is also a tool to strengthen the prenatal bond between a mother and her child. Laeticia, hypno-therapist and founder of the support space Mothers watch in Nice, explains how to use your Bola as a ritual of connection to your baby: one moment to listen to your sensations, your feelings, one moment to listening to your child, already forging the bond.

"The whisper of the Bola"

Sensitive to its environment, the unborn perceives sounds from the 17th week, and processes all the information of the five senses from the 19th week, exchanges with its parents begin at that time. At the end of this period of the 2nd trimester, it will measure approximately 25 cm from head to tailbone and weigh around 1 kilogram.

It is between the 2nd and the 3rd trimester that the fetal hearing will begin, between the 26th and the 28th week, the fetus being then rocked by the sounds coming from the cardiac, digestive and circulatory system of its mother. He also perceives the care coming from outside: the voices, and doubly that of his mother, the music (especially the rhythm and the bass), the sounds of engines. Note that low frequencies, such as his father's voice or low notes are best perceived. High-pitched sounds are filtered by the lining of the abdomen, which lowers the sound intensity by 20 to 50 decibels, the equivalent of a whisper.

The ringing of the Bola would therefore be a whisper emitted to baby, soothing it as soon as it is perceived, by its rhythm and its gentle frequency but also by the soothing effect produced on its mother.

A ritual of connection to your baby

Beyond its ornamental role, the Bola that you wear can become an invitation to connect with your child, during a daily parenthesis:

- Start by exploring the different sounds emitted according to its movements on your stomach or in the palm of your hand

- Mark this moment in connection with your child by a gesture, for example by placing a hand on your lap and holding your Bola in the palm of your other hand

- Take a few minutes, to be in attentive listening, here and now… Maybe you will be able to perceive colors, shapes, sensations that your relaxed mind invites you to feel. You can deepen this state through self-hypnosis to relax even more.

This parenthesis is already forging the bond between you and your baby, and may also be beneficial for your infant. After birth, you can make your baby hear the sounds of the Bola to induce a new state of well-being, remind him of this bond woven in-utero and the state of listening, and of felt soothing.

Indeed, studies have shown that infants can "remember" sounds often heard in the womb. For this reason, do not hesitate to create an exchange with your baby (including future dads!), Talk to him aloud, or in a low voice, and do not hesitate to use your Bola in a soothing ritual to you and your baby.

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